Fender Champ 5F1 Tube Amplifier (1956)

Fender  Champ 5F1 Tube Amplifier (1956)
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Item # 10593
Prices subject to change without notice.
Fender Champ 5F1 Model Tube Amplifier (1956), made in Fullerton, California, serial # C-02681, tweed fabric covering finish.
Height is 12 in. (30.5 cm.), 13 1/2 in. (34.3 cm.) width, and 7 1/2 in. (19 cm.) deep.

This is a very nicely preserved and early example of the tweed Fender Champ 5F1 model, showing only some minor wear. It has a tube-chart ink-stamp "FJ", indicating it was assembled in October 1956. The serial number is C-02681, showing Fender had in a fairly short time already built more than 2500 examples of this classic model. As with any tweed Champ, it features just a "chicken head" volume knob and a single-ended 6V6-driven power section, yielding about 5 watts of output power.

Externally, there's some typical minor wear to the rather fragile tweed fabric covering, mostly at the corners and edges, but overall the covering sports an attractive patina and is relatively unscathed for a nearly 70-year-old amp! The faceplate is practically mirror clean, with practically all the stenciled lettering intact. The grille cloth is in great shape and the handle is a high-quality hand-made replacement by Bob Brookwood at Brookwood Leather.

Electrically, the amp is nicely original, save for the speaker, which is a Weber 8" AlNiCo CVA-8 replacement. Both the power and output transformer are original to the amp, bearing the markings NYT 5396 and OT 110, respectively. The volume/on/off pot is original, however the fuse holder has been replaced. The amp has otherwise received our typical maintenance and servicing, including standard replacement of all electrolytic caps, a grounded 3-prong power cord, cleaning of all sockets, pots and jacks as well as biased to spec. It was lovingly wired up by Lily and has her masking tape signature still intact.

Overall this is a very clean and fabulous sounding example of one of the great tweed classics, nowadays the popular vintage choice for an under-the desk modern home studio rig and always a shop favorite here. Excellent - Condition.